I’m suffering from acid reflux. How can I treat it?

For many people who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), eating can be a less-than-happy experience. Acid reflux deals with the backwards flow of acid from the stomach to the oesophagus. Normally, the muscle at the bottom of the oesophagus remains closed and only opens to allow food and liquid through it to the stomach. When this muscle is weakened or not working properly, it can open at random times, resulting in a backward flow of stomach acid into the oesophagus, resulting in discomfort and pain. Over time, the inflammation can break down the oesophageal lining causing ulcers and other complications. Common symptoms are belching, burning and pressure in the upper abdomen, cramping after a meal, and halitosis. Common causes of GERD include a hiatal hernia, obesity, slumped posture, pregnancy, poor diet, smoking and stress.

Many people rely on over-the-counter anti-acid medications to soothe the pain and discomfort of acid reflux. But, a body that suffers from GERD is a restricted body that is not functioning properly. Since your entire body is controlled by your nervous system – an intricate web of nerves that makes everything in your body function in a specific way – any sort of interference can lead to dysfunction and health problems.

Your Gonstead Chiropractor believes that a spine and body free from dysfunction and restriction is a body that can function optimally. Through regular visits, Gonstead Chiropractic can help treat GERD by helping you to manage a healthy weight, strengthen the spinal muscles through adjustments, and correct joint dysfunction or restrictions by ensuring proper functions of the whole body.

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